Note to Reader: In this teaching, YHWH and Elohim are used to refer to the LORD God, Creator. And Yahushua is used for His Son, who is the LORD God manifested in the flesh, as Messiah and Savior. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture references are taken from the 2009 version of The Scriptures by the Institute for Scripture Research.
Written by S.K. (June 12, 2019)
Edom is mentioned in the Bible over 100 times by at least 13 different prophets! The Bible has much to say about the person, Esau and his descendants, who became the Edomites. It also has a lot to say about the land of Edom, the place where the Edomites settled. The purpose of this study is to look at what YHWH says about the land of Edom through the prophetic Scriptures. I hope to answer the following questions about the land of Edom: Where is Edom? What has happened to Edom in the past? Is there a plan involving YHWH’s people and Edom?
Let us start by taking a quick look at the history of Esau, the Edomites, and the land of Edom.
History of Edom
In Genesis 25, Isaac and Rebecca had twins named Esau and Jacob. Their birth is thought to be around 2006 BC. Esau and Jacob had a rivalry from the womb, which continued through their entire lives, and later on among their descendants. When Esau was grown up, he married foreign wives (Gen. 26:34-35) and settled in Mt. Seir, formally the Horite’s land. (Gen. 32:3; 36:8-9) This is thought to have taken place around 1950 BC.
Genesis 36:8 So Ěsaw dwelt in Mount Sě‛ir. Ěsaw is Eḏom.
Esau is Edom! (Gen. 36:1; 36:19; 36:43) This is a very important point. Biblically, people and their land have a very close relationship. In Scripture, if you see the people, you see their land. When you do not see the people living in their land, it’s time to pay attention.
There is a large mountain range in the southern part of the country of Jordan. This mountain range starts slightly north of the Gulf of Aqaba and continues until the Salt Sea. This mountain range became known as the land of Edom. Teman, Botsrah, Mt. Seir, and Sela were some of the cities.
In this map, you can see ancient Edom was located north of the Gulf of Aqaba and continued into the southern part of the Salt Sea.
The Edomites continued to live in Edom until about 605 BC. Between 605 and 587 BC, Jeremiah prophesied that Edom would be taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babel, along with all the other surrounding nations. (Jer. 9:25-26; 25:8-31; 27:2-11) Before the captivity of Edom, Nebuchadnezzar first attacked Jerusalem and took Judea captive. The Edomites rejoiced at Judah’s destruction and helped the Babylonians. They helped plunder Jerusalem’s wealth and killed its refugees. This occurred in 587 BC and began what is known as the Babylonian captivity.
The prophets make it clear that the Edomites should not have done this! Edom was supposed to be a place of refuge for his brother Jacob and Jacob’s descendants. Judah was one of Jacob’s 12 sons. Obadiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah all prophesied that Edom would be destroyed. (Jer. 49:7-22; Eze. 25:12-14; Eze. 32:29; Eze. 35:1-15; Oba. 1:1-21; Lam. 4:21) These prophecies came as a direct consequence of the crime the Edomites committed against their brother Judah in his time of distress.
The passages from the prophets, mentioned above, give detailed descriptions of Edom’s destruction. They are almost word for word in agreement with each other! It may be hard for us to understand how these prophets could have such amazing agreement without the internet to compare notes. These men separately heard the same words from the Set-apart Spirit. The bulk of their message can be found in Jeremiah 49:7-22, Ezekiel 35:1-15, and the book of Obadiah. Because these are long passages, I will summarize the main points made. I encourage you to read these verses in context as well to see how well they concur with one another.
- The nations will be called together to fight against Edom. (Jer. 49:14, Oba. 1:1)
- Edom will be betrayed by their allies. (Oba. 1:7)
- All the land of Edom will be judged and destroyed. (Eze. 35:15)
- Edom’s destruction is compared to Sodom and Gomorrah’s. (Jer. 49:18)
- When Edom falls, there will be loud noises and an earthquake. (Jer. 49:21)
- YHWH is going to strip Esau bare and his people will become nothing. (Jer. 49:10)
- Everyone in the mountains will be killed. (Oba. 1:9)
- Edom’s pasture land will be destroyed. (Jer. 49:20)
- Edom people will become small and despised. (Jer. 49:15, Oba. 1:2)
- YHWH will keep alive Esau’s fatherless children and He asks their widows to trust in Him. (Jer. 49:11)
- Botsrah will become an everlasting ruin. (Jer. 49:13)
- Mt. Seir will become an everlasting ruin. (Eze. 35:9)
This does not look good for the Edomites and the land of Edom. The prophesied judgment is very severe describing the end of the entire nation as it was known. A lot of the people would die, the pasture land would be ruined, and at least two of its main cities, Botsrah and Mt. Seir, would never be rebuilt again! Notice however that there is a remnant. Further, these passages indicate that the greater part of the land would be occupied again.
Sometime within 50 years after the destruction of Jerusalem, Edom was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar. But Nebuchadnezzar did not completely wipe them out. He took the people captive and most of them dispersed to the ends of the Earth. There was a remnant who settled in the Negev. They took on the Greek name Idumea. Eventually, the Idumeans disappeared in history as well. The Nabateans seemed to be the next group of people who appeared in ancient Edom around 350 BC. They built up their capital, Petra. The Edomites never resettled in their land as a nation.
As for ancient Botsrah and Mt. Seir, according to Scripture, they would remain destroyed, never to be rebuilt. I have seen and walked through what I believe are the Botsrah ruins. The ruins are massive, going on for miles, but truly not a stone was left in place! As for ancient Mt. Seir, I am not exactly sure of its location. Some say it is modern-day Petra. I think this is very unlikely. But regardless of its location, I can be confident that it was destroyed and never rebuilt.
Now that we have taken a look at the history of the Edomites, let us take a look at some other prophecies regarding Edom.
Edom’s Future Role
The first time we find a prophecy of Edom is in the book of Numbers. The story of Balak and Balaam is in Numbers 22-24. Balak was the king of Moab at the time of Israel’s 40-year sojourn in the wilderness. Balaam was a well-known pagan diviner whom Balak hired to come and curse Israel for him. However, YHWH did not allow Balaam to speak any evil over Israel, but only the word that YHWH Himself gave Balaam to speak. At the end of the story, Balaam gives Balak information about what would happen in the latter days. He said that in the latter days, Edom would be a possession of Israel.
Note: When I refer to Israel in this article, I am not talking about the modern state of Israel, but rather a scriptural definition: The righteous ones who are in covenant with YHWH through Yahushua. These are those guarding the commandments and confessing that Yahushua is the Messiah.
Numbers 24:14-16 “And now, see, I am going to my people. Come, let me advise you what this people is going to do to your people in the latter days.” And he took up his proverb and said, “The saying of Bil‛am, son of Be‛or, and the saying of the man whose eyes are opened, the saying of him who hears the words of Ěl and knows the knowledge of the Most High, who sees the vision of the Almighty, who falls down, with eyes opened wide:
Numbers 24:17-19 I see Him, but not now; I observe Him, but not near. A Star shall come out of Ya‛aqoḇ, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Yisra’ěl, and shall smite the corners of Mo’aḇ, and shall destroy all the sons of Shěth. And Eḏom shall be a possession; and Sě‛ir shall be a possession – enemies – and Yisra’ěl is doing mightily. And out of Ya‛aqoḇ One shall rule and destroy the remnant from Ar.”
This is not the only place in the Bible that says Israel will possess Edom. It is important to understand that Israel will NOT possess Edom until the time of Yahushua’s reign on the earth.
Numbers 24:17 “I see Him, but not now; I observe Him, but not near. A Star shall come out of Ya‛aqoḇ, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Yisra’ěl, and shall smite the corners of Mo’aḇ, and shall destroy all the sons of Shěth.
The Star and Scepter are references to Yahushua’s reign on Earth. Let us look at a couple of other passages that illustrate that Israel will possess Edom during the Millennial Reign of Yahushua.
Isaiah 11:10-14 And in that day there shall be a Root of Yishai, standing as a banner to the people. Unto Him the nations shall seek, and His rest shall be esteem. And it shall be in that day that יהוה sets His hand again a second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left, from Ashshur and from Mitsrayim, from Pathros and from Kush, from Ěylam and from Shin‛ar, from Ḥamath and from the islands of the sea. And He shall raise a banner for the nations, and gather the outcasts of Yisra’ěl, and assemble the dispersed of Yehuḏah from the four corners of the earth. And the envy of Ephrayim shall turn aside, and the adversaries of Yehuḏah be cut off. Ephrayim shall not envy Yehuḏah, and Yehuḏah not trouble Ephrayim. But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward the west; together they plunder the people of the east, their hand stretching forth on Eḏom and Mo’aḇ, and the children of Ammon shall be subject to them.
Again, the first verse in this passage talks about the time Yahushua will be reigning on the Earth. He is standing on the Earth and the nations are seeking Him. In the last verse, Judah and Ephraim possess the land of Edom together. This sounds like quite a turn of events from the time Edom was rejoicing in the destruction of Judah.
After Obadiah’s prophesied destruction of Edom, he prophesied that the returned exiles of Israel would possess the mountains of Esau along with other areas of land. This time there will be no survivors. This prophecy has not happened yet. However, when Obadiah says that there will be no survivors left from Edom, he is not referring to the biological descendants of Esau who have been grafted into Israel. Anyone who is in covenant with YHWH through Yahushua becomes Israel, whether they are a descendant of Esau or Jacob. For more on what the Scriptures teach about “being grafted into Israel,” please see my teaching As In the Days of Noah.
Now notice that Israel possesses Edom when “the reign shall belong to יהוה,” or as the New English Translation puts it, “the Lord will reign as King!”
Obadiah 1:18-21 “And the house of Ya‛aqoḇ shall be a fire, and the house of Yosěph a flame, but the house of Ěsaw for stubble. And they shall burn among them and they shall consume them, so that no survivor is left of the house of Ěsaw.” For יהוה has spoken. And they shall possess the South with the mountains of Ěsaw, and low country with the Philistines. And they shall possess the fields of Ephrayim and the fields of Shomeron, and Binyamin with Gil‛aḏ, and the exiles of this host of the children of Yisra’ěl possess that of the Kena‛anites as far as Tsarephath, and the exiles of Yerushalayim who are in Sephara posses the cities of the South. And saviours shall come to Mount Tsiyon to judge the mountains of Ěsaw. And the reign shall belong to יהוה.
Amos 9:9-11 “For look, I am commanding, and I shall sift the house of Yisra’ĕl among all the gentiles, as one sifts with a sieve, yet not a grain falls to the ground. All the sinners of My people are going to die by the sword, those who are saying, ‘Evil does not overtake us nor meet us.’ “In that day I shall raise up the booth of Dawiḏ which has fallen down. And I shall repair its breaches and raise up its ruins. And I shall build it as in the days of old, so that they possess the remnant of Eḏom, and all the gentiles on whom My Name is called,” declares יהוה who does this.
In this passage, YHWH is sifting the house of Israel. Amos says that when YHWH sifts Israel all the sinners will be removed, yet not one grain falls to the ground. The grain represents the righteous ones.
Matthew 13:37-39 And He answering, said to them, “He who is sowing the good seed is the Son of Aḏam, and the field is the world. And the good seed, these are the sons of the reign, but the darnel are the sons of the wicked one, and the enemy who sowed them is the devil. And the harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are the messengers.
After the sifting, Yahushua will be raised as King. Amos says that Israel will then possess the remnant of Edom.
The Bible has much more to say about Edom. I am going to pause here and summarize what we have looked at so far.
- Edom is located in the southern part of the country of Jordan.
- Edom was supposed to be a refuge for his brother Jacob and Jacob’s descendants.
- The nation Edom was destroyed according to the prophets.
- Ancient Botsrah and Mt. Seir were completely destroyed.
- Not all the people were wiped out. There was a remnant.
- The Edomites were dispersed all around the world and never resettled in their land as a nation.
- Israel, those in covenant with Yahushua, will possess Edom during the Millennial Reign when Yahushua is King on the earth.
Interpreting Psalm 108
In Psalm 108, written by David, we find some interesting information about Edom. David began the psalm by singing and praising YHWH. He was in a worshipful state—playing his harp and lyre. In this moment of worship, David asked YHWH to exult Himself so that those who love Him might be delivered and saved. David then told YHWH to answer him! He wanted to hear what YHWH had to say about the deliverance of those who love Him. YHWH answered David by bringing up several different places describing that they are for His purposes. YHWH made a clear distinction between His people and the surrounding nations.
Psalm 108:7-9 Elohim has spoken in His set-apartness, “I exult, I portion out Sheḵem, And I measure out the Valley of Sukkoth. Gil‛aḏ is Mine, Menashsheh is Mine, And Ephrayim is My chief defence, Yehuḏah is My inscriber. Mo’aḇ is My wash-pot, Over Eḏom I cast My shoe, Over Philistia I raise a shout.”
David responded to YHWH in this way, “Who will lead me to Edom?”
Psalm 108:10-13 Who would bring me into the strong city? Who shall lead me to Eḏom? Have You not rejected us, O Elohim? And You do not go out with our armies, O Elohim! Give us help from distress, For the help of man is naught. In Elohim, we do mightily, For it is He who treads down our adversaries.
David wanted Elohim’s help in Israel’s military battles. He knew that only YHWH could bring him into Edom’s strong city (Botsrah). The psalm ends there, but 2 Samuel 8:14 mentions that David put watch-posts in Edom and all the Edomites became his servants. YHWH was with him. However, what if there was more to this psalm than meets the eye? What if this psalm had some prophetic implications as well?
I want to take a deeper look into Psalm 108 to see if we can learn a little more about what David and YHWH might have been talking about and how it relates to YHWH’s people today. Keep in mind that David was in a worshipful state when he was interacting with YHWH. It would not be very farfetched to say he might have been seeing prophetically, not looking to YHWH for understanding about Israel in his time, but rather asking YHWH about the future of Israel. After all, David is believed to have written several prophetic psalms. They had a personal implication for his life, but also a clear prophetic message. Let me explain how this could apply to Psalm 108.
Psalm 108:6 In order that those You love Might be delivered. Save with Your right hand, and answer me.
The Hebrew word for “those You love” is the word “yediyde” יָדִיד. Yediyde is a form of a word that is used 32 times in the Song of Songs. This word is “dode” and it means beloved, lover, or loved one. This word is often used prophetically for YHWH’s Bride. In Psalm 108, David was inquiring of YHWH about what would happen to His Beloved, namely Israel. But is it possible David was also looking ahead to the deliverance and salvation of YHWH’s Bride?
Psalm 108:12 Give us help from distress, for the help of man is naught.
David was talking to YHWH about a time when His Beloved would be in distress. The Hebrew word for distress is “tsar” צַר. It means distress, affliction, trouble, and a narrow or tight place. David’s concern was for the YHWH’s Beloved during a time of distress.
Psalm 108:9 “Mo’aḇ is My wash-pot, Over Eḏom I cast My shoe, Over Philistia I raise a shout.”
When YWHW answered David, He said, “Over Edom I cast My shoe.” But what does this mean? It is possible this was YHWH’s way of saying He will trample Edom. But it is also possible He was using a Hebrew idiom. “Casting your shoe” is a Hebrew idiom that has been interpreted to mean the legal right to tread ground. Here we see YHWH claiming this land for His purposes, telling David that His people had the right to be in the area of Edom.
After YHWH answered David, the first thing David asked was, “Who would bring me into the strong city?”
Psalm 108:10 Who would bring me into the strong city? Who shall lead me to Eḏom?
The Hebrew word for “into the strong city” is “mibtsar” מִבְצָר. The “mi” in Hebrew is a prefix meaning “from” or “into.” The strong city part comes from the word “botsrah” or Botsrah. As seen already, ancient Botsrah was a city in Edom. Mibtsar means a strong city, fortress, or fortification. The meanings of Botsrah are to gather, restrain, fence, fortify, make inaccessible, and enclose. Interestingly, the Hebrew word “tsar” is the root of “Botsrah.”
Although ancient Botsrah was destroyed, the prophets also speak of a future Botsrah. Prophetic Botsrah is a special place where YHWH will lead His Beloved for her deliverance and salvation when she is in distress.
Did David understand that YHWH was going to lead His people to Edom? Did David know Edom was going to play a role in the salvation of YHWH’s people? Maybe he did and maybe he did not. This psalm by itself does not clearly state Edom’s role in the salvation of YHWH’s Beloved. Thankfully, other passages of Scripture give us more information.
Let us look at what Daniel had to say about Edom. Something to keep in mind, Daniel read the book of Jeremiah and had a good understanding of what was in it, including the prophesied destruction of Edom. (Dan. 9:2)
Edom Escapes The Anti-messiah
In Daniel 11:21, we find a keyword that is used in describing a certain ruler who is going to rise as king.
Daniel 11:21 And in his place shall arise a despised one, to whom they shall not give the excellency of the rule. But he shall come in peaceably, and seize the rule by flatteries.
The Hebrew word for “despised one” in this verse is “bezeh.” Given the context and account of what this “despised one” does, the most likely person that fits this description is the Anti-messiah who is Satan himself possessing a man. This prophecy has not occurred yet, because there has never been a time when Satan has physically reigned on the earth as king. For a time, Satan will become the Anti-messiah in the form of a human. Skipping ahead in chapter 11, we are told where the Anti-messiah will be and what he will be doing when he is in control.
Daniel 11:40-41 “At the time of the end the sovereign of the South shall push at him, and the sovereign of the North rush against him like a whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships. And he (the Anti-messiah) shall enter the lands and shall overflow and pass over, and shall enter the Splendid Land, and many shall stumble, but these escape from his hand: Eḏom, and Mo’aḇ, and the chief of the sons of Ammon.
The Anti-messiah will have the authority to rule the entire Earth (please see also Rev. 13:3-7). However, Daniel 11:41 says there will be three regions where the Anti-messiah will not be able to touch. These are Edom, Moab, and the chief sons of Ammon.
“The chief sons of Ammon” is also translated in the ESV and RSV Bibles as the “main part of the Ammonites,” while the NLT translates it as “the best part of Ammon.” The context of the chapter would indicate an area (likely the southern suburbs of Amman). In the verses above, the Anti-messiah is killing a lot of people. From other Scriptures (e.g. Rev. 12), we learn the people he is after are the ones who are keeping the commandments and have a testimony of Yahushua. He will also go after the ones who are NOT written in the Book of Life. They will worship him (Rev. 13:8).
Daniel’s prophecy teaches that Edom will be a safe place during the rise and rule of the Anti-messiah. A remnant of YHWH’s people will escape the hand of the Anti-messiah in Edom. We see that YHWH’s Beloved has a destiny in Edom. His Bride is in Edom for a time, the time of the Anti-messiah.
Final Destruction of Edom
However, Edom is not the final destination for YHWH’s people. How do we know this? All nations including Edom are going to be destroyed and YHWH promises that He will not utterly destroy the house of Israel.
Jeremiah 30:10-11 ‘And you, do not fear, O Ya‛aqoḇ My servant,’ declares יהוה, ‘nor be discouraged, O Yisra’ěl. For look, I am saving you from afar, and your seed from the land of their captivity. And Ya‛aqoḇ shall return, and have rest and be at ease, with no one to trouble him. For I am with you,’ declares יהוה, ‘to save you. Though I make a complete end of all nations where I have scattered you, yet I do not make a complete end of you. But I shall reprove you in judgment, and by no means leave you unpunished.’
Obadiah 1:17-18 But on Mount Tsiyon there shall be an escape, and they shall be set apart. And the house of Ya‛aqoḇ shall possess their possessions. And the house of Ya‛aqoḇ shall be a fire, and the house of Yosěph a flame, but the house of Ěsaw for stubble. And they shall burn among them and they shall consume them, so that no survivor is left of the house of Ěsaw.” For יהוה has spoken.
Again, YHWH will not consume the house of Jacob, but will utterly destroy the house of Esau. Fire either cleanses or destroys. For the house of Jacob, the fire will cleanse. The house of Esau will be destroyed. The house of Jacob will then possess Esau’s land. We learn more about Edom’s final judgment in Isaiah.
Isaiah 34:1-3 Come near, you nations, to hear. And listen, you people! Let the earth hear, and all that is in it, the world and all its offspring. For the displeasure of יהוה is against all the nations, and His wrath against all their divisions.He shall put them under the ban, He shall give them over to the slaughter, and their slain be thrown out, and their stench rise from their corpses. And mountains shall be melted with their blood.
Isaiah 34:4-6 And all the host of the heavens shall rot away. And the heavens shall be rolled up like a scroll, and all their host fade like a leaf fading on the vine, and like the fading one of a fig tree. “For My sword shall be drenched in the heavens. Look, it comes down on Eḏom, and on the people of My curse, for judgment. The sword of יהוה shall be filled with blood, it shall be made overflowing with fatness, and with the blood of lambs and goats, with the fat of the kidneys of rams. For יהוה has a slaughtering in Botsrah, and a great slaughter in the land of Eḏom.
Isaiah 34:7-10 And wild oxen shall come down with them, and young bulls with bulls. And their land shall be drenched with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness. For it is the day of the vengeance of יהוה, the year of recompense for the cause of Tsiyon. And its streams shall be turned into tar, and its dust into sulphur, and its land shall become burning tar, that is not quenched night or day, its smoke going up forever. From generation to generation it lies waste, no one passes through it forever and ever.
A final destruction is coming to Edom leaving it uninhabitable! This is a futuristic judgment because people are living in Edom today and it has not become burning tar pits yet. If this is the case, why would YHWH’s Bride dwell in Edom?
Yahushua Arrives In Edom
We know that YHWH’s Word cannot contradict itself. All the prophecies that say Edom will be a safe place or talk about YHWH’s people being led to Edom must be fulfilled before this prophecy regarding Edom’s perpetual destruction can be fulfilled. We have seen that YHWH’s people, Israel, have a destiny in Edom. Israel will be protected in Edom during the rule of the Anti-messiah. Then under Yahushua’s reign, Israel possesses Edom. The utter destruction described in Isaiah 34 could only take place after these events.
The final prophecy we will look at is in Isaiah. This prophecy gives us purpose for Edom and is very encouraging as we wait for Yahushua’s return. This passage is Isaiah 63. The last 16 chapters in Isaiah appear to be an unbroken prophecy without much of a pause between chapters. However, they are not chronological; the prophecies go back and forth between different periods. To look at chapter 63, I will back up and summarize a few of the previous chapters to get the context.
In Isaiah 59, YHWH judges the nations. At the end of the chapter, the Redeemer comes to Zion. At the beginning of Isaiah 60, YHWH’s people are shining in their light while the nations are sitting in darkness. The wealth of the nations is then given to Israel. At the end of the chapter, there is no more sun or moon, because YHWH is their light. We are told that all the people on the Earth are righteous. This sounds like the New Heaven and New Earth period.
The first few verses of Isaiah 61 are about Yahushua. Yahushua said in Luke 4:16-21 that this part of the prophecy was fulfilled when He began His ministry on earth. The rest of chapter 61 gives lots of great promises for Israel. Isaiah 62 continues these promises, talking about the restoration of Jerusalem. The description of these promises sounds like the Millennial Kingdom period.
At the end of chapter 62, Yahushua comes to Zion as the Savior and Redeemer. We are told that His reward is with Him and His work before Him. This sets the stage for Isaiah 63.
Isaiah 63:1 Who is this coming from Eḏom, with garments of glowing colours from Botsrah, who is robed in splendour, striding forward in the greatness of His strength? “It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”
Yahushua, the Savior, comes from Edom and Botsrah. It is worth noting that although the text was translated as “coming from Edom” it is also possible that it could be translated “coming into Edom.” The Hebrew word for “from Edom” is “me’edom.” מֵאֱדוֹם As mentioned earlier, the “mi” prefix can mean “from” but it can also mean “into.” How one decides which preposition is correct is based on the text’s context and that person’s interpretation of it. Let us see what the context tells us.
Isaiah 63:2-3 Why is there red on Your raiment, and Your garments like one who treads in the winepress? “I have trodden the winepress alone, and from the peoples no one was with Me. And I trod them down in My displeasure, and I trampled them in My wrath. Their blood is sprinkled upon My garments, and I have defiled all My raiment.
Isaiah 63:4-6 For a day of vengeance is in My heart, and the year of My redeemed has come. And I looked, but there was none helping, and I was astonished that there was none upholding. So My own arm saved for Me, and My wrath upheld Me. And I trod down peoples in My displeasure, and made them drunk in My wrath, and brought down their strength to earth.”
Yahushua is asked why His clothing is red like one who treads in the winepress. He says that blood is splattered on His garments because He is treading the winepress! What is described throughout Scripture as the winepress of Elohim? It is Jerusalem and Judea, but specifically Jerusalem. (Isa. 5:1-7, Mat. 21:33-46, Rev. 14:15-20 & 19:11-21) It is never Edom!
In my opinion, the more accurate interpretation of Isaiah 63:1 is that Yahushua is coming into Edom from Jerusalem after fighting and trampling the people in His anger. He is not destroying Botsrah. This is the day of vengeance upon the nations and the year Yahushua redeems His people. Yahushua says that He looked out on the world, but there was no one helping and upholding Him. In other words, He had already gathered His people and there was no one left in the nations that were His own. Yahushua was then answered with praises for what He had done.
Isaiah 63:7-8 Let me recount the loving-commitments of יהוה and the praises of יהוה, according to all that יהוה has done for us, and the great goodness toward the house of Yisra’ěl, which He has done for them according to His compassion, and according to His many loving-commitments. And He said, “They are My people, children who do not act falsely.” And He became their Saviour.
This event is indeed Yahushua appearing in Edom to fetch His Bride. The people who are left after the day of Yahushua’s vengeance are Israel, His Beloved, His Bride. These people know Yahushua as their Savior and will follow His Kingdom laws. They are happy people, praising YHWH for everything He has done to save them. YHWH calls them His people and He is their Savior. The Hebrew word savior is “yasha.”יָשַׁע It is the root word for Yahushua. These acts of salvation are what make Yahushua their Savior in the End Days.
We often say that Yahushua is our Savior now. He has indeed saved us from the consequence of our sins; however, there is also a future salvation that we need. We will need salvation from the destruction coming to the world. This is a physical salvation that is in our future. It will happen when He destroys the world but saves His people.
In Summary:
- Edom is located in the southern part of the country of Jordan.
- Historically, Edom was judged by YHWH.
- There is future perpetual destruction coming to Edom.
- The land of Edom plays a role in the salvation of YHWH’s people.
- YHWH is going to lead His people to Edom.
- Edom is a safe place during the rise and rule of the Anti-messiah.
- YHWH will not completely destroy the house of Jacob, but will completely destroy the nations including the house of Esau.
- All the prophecies that say Edom is a safe place must be fulfilled before Edom’s everlasting destruction can be fulfilled.
- Yahushua comes into Edom and Botsrah after fighting and trampling the people in Jerusalem.
- Yahushua becomes our Savior when He destroys the world, but saves His Bride.
YHWH has been leading people to see the significance of Edom as the central gathering place for His people during the worldwide destruction. There are more and more people awakening to this truth and considering what to do. YHWH has led my family to Edom. Everyone must choose what they believe and how they respond to this.
May our compassionate Father guide you in His purposes according to His goodness in the days ahead.
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