The Sheepfold In The Stars- Part 1

Written By J.C.

All graphics by Justin  Click to visit his website.


Welcome to our Sheepfold in the Stars series!

Looking up in the night sky can be awe-inspiring.  The sky is vast, and we have a sense that we are part of something much bigger than ourselves.  Although the placement of the stars can seem chaotic and random, this is far from the truth of YHWH’s creative order.  For the person trying to read a foreign language, symbols appear meaningless.  When a person studies, the language begins to make sense, and it opens up a world of discovery and connections.  So it is with the night sky!

YHWH placed the stars in the Heavens to reveal Himself to mankind.  What I have learned has enhanced my faith and increased my knowledge of Him.

Psalm 19:1-2 “The heavens are proclaiming the esteem of El; and the expanse is declaring the work of His hand. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.”

Elohim has given each star a name.

Psalm 147:4 “He appoints the number of the stars, He gives names to all of them.”

Each constellation is a sign, a pictograph.  To understand the meaning of each, a solid scriptural foundation is necessary.  The constellations complement each other and are placed in a way that illustrates a broader story.  You will be so amazed when you see what YHWH has written in the stars!

In this series, we will focus on the Sheepfold constellation.  His creation of the night sky is extraordinary, bringing all the more glory to Him.  In other parts of this series, we will introduce other constellations in proximity to the Sheepfold constellation.

We will study the Hebrew name and scriptural meaning.

What I will share has nothing to do with astrology or false worship of the luminaries.  The things I will share are about worshiping YHWH, the Creator, rather than what is created.

So without further ado, let’s look at the stars!



Hebrew Name of the Constellation: Botsrah (בצרה)

The word botsrah translates as sheepfold or enclosure.  The root word botsar can be translated as to gather or fence; it also means secret or to make inaccessible.


Botsrah Prophesied as a Gathering Place

Botsrah was a city mentioned in the Torah and the prophets.  It was located in the ancient land of Edom.  Prophetic Scripture points to a future gathering place called Botsrah.  In a prophetic word spoken through Micah, YHWH promised He would assemble His people, the House of Jacob, in one common place.

Micah 2:12 “I shall certainly gather all of you, O Ya‛aqob, I shall bring together the remnant of Yisra’el, put them together like sheep of the fold [botsrah], like a flock in the midst of their pasture, they being noisy because of men.”   (The Scriptures 2009)

Micah 2:12 “I will surely assemble, O Jacob, all of thee; I will surely gather the remnant of Israel; I will put them together as the sheep of Bozrah, as the flock in the midst of their fold: they shall make great noise by reason of the multitude of men.”    (KJV)

The testimony of the stars alongside the Scriptures is truly amazing!  In the poetic language of Micah 2:12, YHWH’s people, who are likened to sheep, will gather in a sheepfold.  The Hebrew word in the above verse is Botsrah.  Some translated the word above as a ‘fold.’  The King James translated it as Botsrah, referring to a place.  The Hebrew word in this prophecy should catch our attention, especially because the name for the constellation is the same word.

There is a connection between the prophecy and the imagery in this constellation.  YHWH will gather a remnant of His people to a specific place.  That place is called Botsrah, to which the Sheepfold constellation testifies.


Pictographic Name of the Constellation: The Sheepfold

The meaning of the Sheepfold constellation has been lost.  It may have been known to our biblical ancestors, but most people are unaware that this picture is a sheepfold.  Due to the common Latin name Cancer, meaning crab, there is confusion about the interpretation of this sign.  There is no reasonable way to trace these stars to form a crab-like figure.  Rather, we should use its Hebrew name to interpret its meaning.

A sheepfold is defined as an enclosure for sheep.  This type of enclosure traces back to biblical times.  It is a fenced place for a shepherd to assemble his flock.



Referring to the star image above, we see that there is an entrance.  The two gate doors of the sheepfold are swung open to welcome the sheep.  With this type of entrance, the doors act as a funnel to direct the sheep into the fold.  As they head closer to the entrance, it becomes narrower.  The way becomes hard-pressed as they crowd near the entrance, only allowing them to come into the sheepfold single file.  Once entered, the sheep are safe and secure within the spacious enclosure.


Entering Through the Narrow Gate

The picture in the stars matches Yahushua’s description of salvation.

Luke 13:23-24 “And someone said to Him, ‘Master, are there few who are being saved?’ And He said to them, ‘Strive to enter through the narrow gate, because many, I say to you, shall seek to enter in and shall not be able.’ ”

Matthew 7:13-14 “Enter in through the narrow gate! Because the gate is wide – and the way is broad – that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in through it.  Because the gate is narrow and the way is hard pressed which leads to life, and there are few who find it.

If Yahushua was referring to the sheepfold as an actual place that He will gather His people to save them in the End Days, then we need to seek this place.  We were told that the way is hard-pressed, and yet it is the path that leads to life.  True to the meaning of the Hebrew word botsar, the sheepfold is a hidden place that is difficult to find.  Yahushua said that few people will walk in the way that leads to the narrow gate.  He also said, “Seek and you shall find.”  As for me, the location of Botsrah, the gathering place of Micah 2:12, is something that I am seeking.

Our book “Written in the Heavens: Events on Earth Revealed in the Stars” includes all the information in this post, plus much, much more!


The Sheepfold in John 10

John 10:1 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who does not enter through the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up by another way, that one is a thief and a robber.”

John 10 is a significant passage in terms of understanding the sheepfold.  Throughout this series, we will use John 10 to interpret the meaning of other constellations near the sheepfold.  I will draw connections between the story in the stars and what Yahushua said He will do as the Good Shepherd.  John 10 is meant to be understood figuratively; the writer John even commented that Yahushua’s speech was figurative in verse 6.  Yet, exact details are given by Yahushua about gathering His people.  These details match what the prophets foretold about the End Days gathering and the pictures in the Heavens.

Yahushua said He was the door, referring back to the sheepfold.

John 10:9I am the door. Whoever enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and shall go out and find pasture.”

When people gather to the sheepfold, the most important and foundational truth is faith in Yahushua Messiah for the forgiveness of sins.  Entering the sheepfold means seeking End Days salvation.  Yahushua is the door for salvation from our sins as well from destruction in the End Days.  Faith in Yahushua is the way, and the only way, to receive salvation and to enter the narrow gate!


The Beehive

The Sheepfold constellation has a well-known cluster of stars that modern astronomers call the ‘Beehive.’   This cluster appears very faint and hazy with the naked eye.  A telescope reveals many stars in this area.


Hebrew Name of the Star Cluster: Parah Asaf (פרה אסף)

Parah means to bear fruit, branch off, grow, or increase.  Asaf translates as a collection, storehouse, harvest, or collection of people; it is also a verb: to gather in, collect, or store.



As seen in the image above, Parah Asef is positioned just beyond the gate of the Sheepfold.


The actual number of stars in Parah Asaf is approximately one thousand.  One of the stars in this cluster has the Hebrew name M’alaph.  This word means assembled thousand(s).  The Hebrew meaning for this star, combined with the multitude of stars in Para Asaf, could be showing that thousands of people will congregate in the Sheepfold.


Month of the Constellation: 11th Month

There are twelve constellations on the Zodiac.  Each corresponds to a month on the Hebrew calendar.  During each Hebrew month, the associated constellation is out for the whole night!  Therefore, the Sheepfold is most visible in the eleventh Hebrew month.  This corresponds with the end of January and the beginning of February on the Gregorian calendar.    


Looking for the Sheepfold

At the publishing of this article, we are currently in the eleventh Hebrew month.  This is the optimal time to view the Sheepfold!  Be forewarned: the Sheepfold is a difficult one to find!  Its nature is hidden and faint.  If you cannot find it right away, do not be discouraged.  It took me a few years to be confident that I was even seeing parts of it.

For new stargazers, I encourage you to become acquainted with the shape of the Sheepfold.   Look at the provided image, taking note of the number of stars, their positions, and the angles of the lines connecting them.

Remember that the Hebrew name of the Sheepfold means secret or inaccessible.  It is the most hidden of all the constellations on the Zodiac.  Often brighter stars enable us to trace constellations, but this one has no bright stars.  It is the faintest and smallest on the Ecliptic hidden between two larger more visible constellations—the Twins and Lion.


Go Out and Praise!

On the next clear night, I encourage you to go outdoors and lift your eyes towards the Heavens.  Enjoy the beauty of the stars illuminating the vast sky.  Recognize YHWH’s presence and praise Him for His handiwork.  Ask Him to reveal Himself to you through what He Has written in the Heavens.

Psalm 8:3-4When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?”


If you want to…

  • Deepen your understanding of YHWH’s written word
  • Understand how the constellations complement YHWH’s word
  • Learn the Hebrew names of the stars and constellations
  • Follow the Hebrew Calendar with a closer connection to the sun, moon, and stars as they keep track of time
  • Celebrate the beginning of each Hebrew month by reading about the correlating constellation
  • See how Messiah is proclaimed abundantly though the constellations
  • Grow in your awe of YHWH, our Creator

Then click on the image above to download a digital copy of our book: 

Written in the Heavens: Events on Earth Revealed in the Stars






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